African American Daily Quote for Kids

African American Daily Quote for Kids

Believing in yourself takes courage.
Facing the future takes hope
Carry both in your heart.
—Rosa Parks, 1995
from Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today's Youth

- Today In Black History
@font-face { font-family: "Calibri"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-size: 11pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } July 3, 1688  A Quaker group in Germantown,...

- African American Daily Quote For Kids
Take courage my soul, and let me journey on. For the night is dark and I am far from home. Thanks be to God, the morning light appears. The storm is passing over...Hallelujah! — lyrics, African American Spiritual ...

- Illustrator R. Gregory Christie
R. GREGORY CHRISTIE grew up in New Jersey and received a B.A degree in media arts from New York City's School of Visual Arts in 1993. While attending SVA, he had a position at the Guggenheim Museum, and interned for the Star Ledger newspaper,...

- Author Rosa Guy
ROSA GUY is the author of two fiction titles under the SANKOFA BOOKS imprint, Ruby and New Guys Around the Block. Both titles are works of fiction for young adults. Guy was born in Trinidad and immigrated with her family to Harlem at the age of...

- What Are You Doing To Make A Difference?
With the upcoming presidential election, media attention, including the CNN special "Black in America," and numerous town hall meetings about the state of Black America etc., there is a lot of open discussion about the challenges we're facing in the...

